How to Build Stunning UIs with Flutter -A Step-by-Step Guide

Abdul Kadar
7 min readJun 11, 2023
Flutter Tutorial

Flutter, the UI toolkit from Google, is an excellent choice for building beautiful and performant applications. In this guide, we will dive into the world of Flutter and explore how you can create stunning UIs, step-by-step.


Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit from Google, widely used for building native applications for Android, iOS, and the web. It is popular among developers for its high-performance rendering engine, rich widget library, and seamless integration with various third-party tools.

What is Flutter?

Flutter Tutorial

Flutter is a UI toolkit that allows developers to create visually appealing, high-performance applications for multiple platforms. It uses the Dart programming language and comes with a rich set of pre-built widgets that can be customized to meet specific application requirements.

Why is Flutter a good choice for building UIs?

Flutter Tutorial

Flutter is a great choice for building UIs due to its high-performance rendering engine, inbuilt widget library, and seamless integration with other tools. It helps developers create visually appealing and interactive applications quickly, saving a lot of development time.

What will this guide cover?

This guide will cover everything you need to know to get started with Flutter, including installing Flutter, creating your first project, building basic and custom widgets, adding interactivity and animations, networking, responsive design, testing, and debugging Flutter UIs, and deploying your application.

Getting Started with Flutter

Getting started with Flutter is easy. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Installing Flutter and its dependencies

To install Flutter, download and extract the Flutter SDK, add its bin directory to your PATH, and run the ‘flutter doctor’ command to ensure all dependencies are installed.

Setting up your development environment

Once Flutter and its dependencies are installed, set up your development environment using any IDE of your choice, like Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, or IntelliJ IDEA.

Creating your first Flutter project

To create your first Flutter project, run the ‘flutter create’ command, and it will generate a basic Flutter project with pre-built code and files.

Step-1 : create a new folder

Step-2: type ‘cmd’ in the path ThisPC>Documents>flutter-sample

Step-3:type the command ‘code .’ it will opening the VS Code

Step-4:type ‘flutter create {projectname}’ eg- sampleapp in a terminal of VS Code

Basic Widgets in Flutter

Flutter widgets are the building blocks of Flutter UIs. Let’s explore some basic widgets:

Widgets are the basic building blocks in Flutter and are immutable UI elements that draw on the screen. Flutter uses reactive programming to modify widget behavior when there is any change in the data source.

Creating Text Widgets

Text widgets are used to display text on the screen. They can be customized to change the font style, size, color, and more.

Creating Image Widgets

Image widgets are used to display images on the screen. They can be loaded from the local assets or downloaded from the internet.

Creating Button Widgets

Button widgets are used to create interactive elements on the screen. They can be customized to modify the shape, size, color, and more.

Layout Widgets in Flutter

Layout widgets in Flutter are used to arrange other widgets on the screen. Here are some commonly used layout widgets:

Understanding Layout Widgets

Layout widgets are used to arrange other widgets on the screen in a particular format or sequence.

Using Basic Layout Widgets — Row, Column, Container

Flutter provides basic layout widgets like Row, Column, and Container, which are used to arrange widgets horizontally, vertically, or in a container.

Understanding Expanded and Flexible

The Expanded and Flexible widgets are used to allocate space dynamically to the widgets based on the available space on the screen.

Building Custom Widgets

Custom widgets in Flutter are used to build advanced UI elements that are not available in the pre-built widget library. Here is how you can build custom widgets:

When and why to build custom Widgets

Custom widgets should be used when the pre-built widgets do not meet the specific application requirements.

Creating Basic Custom Widgets

Creating basic custom widgets involves using existing widgets as building blocks to produce new widgets that meet specific requirements.

Adding Interactivity to Custom Widgets

Adding interactivity to custom widgets involves using Stateful widgets to modify widget behavior dynamically.

Animations in Flutter

Animations in Flutter are used to enhance the user’s experience by adding visually appealing elements to the screen. Here is how you can add animations to your Flutter application:

The importance of Animations in UIs

Animations in UIs are used to make the user’s experience more visually appealing, leading to better user engagement.

Animating Widgets — Animations, Tween, Animation Controller

To animate widgets, Flutter provides inbuilt classes like Animation, Tween, and Animation Controller.

Networking with Flutter

Networking is an essential part of building modern applications. Here is how you can handle network requests in Flutter:

Network requests are used to communicate with external APIs to fetch or post data.

Flutter provides inbuilt classes like HttpClient, Http Request, and Http Response to handle network requests.

Creating a Network Request API involves abstracting network calls into individual methods that can be reused across the application.

Add-ons for Flutter UIs

Flutter UIs can be enhanced by using third-party add-ons. Here are some commonly used add-ons:

  • Google Fonts can be used in Flutter to enhance the typography of the UI elements.
  • Responsive design is used to ensure the UI elements adapt dynamically to different screen sizes.

Adding Animations with Rive

Rive is a tool used to create and add high-quality animations to Flutter UIs.

Testing and Debugging Flutter UIs

Testing and debugging are essential parts of the development cycle. Here is how you can test and debug your Flutter UIs:

Testing Best Practices for Flutter

Testing best practices in Flutter involve creating unit tests and widget tests.

Debugging Flutter UIs

Flutter provides inbuilt debugging tools like Debug Paint and Debug Mode to debug UI issues.

Using Flutter Inspector for Debugging

Flutter Inspector is a powerful debugging tool that provides vital information about the UI elements on the screen.

Deploying Flutter UIs

In this section, we will explore how you can deploy your Flutter application:

Overview of Deployment Options

Flutter applications can be deployed to various platforms like Android, iOS, and the web.

Preparing your Flutter App for Release

Preparing your Flutter app for release involves following specific guidelines that ensure the app meets the target platform’s requirements.

Creating a Release Build

Creating a release build involves creating a build of the app that is optimized for the target platform.

For Android Apps,

For Web Apps,


In conclusion, Flutter is an excellent choice for building stunning UIs. This guide covered everything you need to know to get started with Flutter, including installing Flutter, creating widgets, adding animations, handling network requests, testing and debugging, and deploying your application.


What are some popular apps built with Flutter?

Some of the popular apps built with Flutter are Google Ads, Reflectly, Alibaba, and many more.

Are there any limitations to building UIs with Flutter?

Flutter is a powerful UI toolkit that can build stunning UIs. However, it might not be suitable for applications with complex business logic that require significant computational power.

How does Flutter compare to other UI frameworks?

Flutter stands out from other UI frameworks due to its rich widget library, high-performance rendering engine, and seamless integration with other tools. It also allows developers to build beautiful UIs for multiple platforms with a single codebase.

